Family Tree Maker Instructional Video Collection

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VicGUM's collection of training videos for Family Tree Maker has something for everyone from the absolute beginner to experts.

You will learn how to:

  • get started and get organised
  • manage and cite references
  • manage photos and recordings
  • ensure your precious knowledge is backed up safely
  • sync your tree with online services
  • ensure private information remains confidential

VicGUM has been helping members for years to get the most out of Family Tree Maker and has refined these tutorials with help from the VicGUM community and Family Tree Maker user group.

The videos are divided into four easy-to-download parts.

Part 1

  1. Registering with Software MacKiev
  2. Linking to Ancestry (Green Leaves)
  3. Linking to Family Search (Blue Squares)
  4. Companion Guide and Version Details
  5. Using the Ancestry Tutorials
  6. Importing an existing file
  7. Data File location
  8. Starting a data file
  9. Backup the data file
  10. Restore a backup file
  11. Compacting a file
  12. Making a play file
  13. Export a branch from a tree - method 1
  14. Export a branch from a tree - method 2
  15. The right mouse click

Part 2

  1. Setting the program options
  2. Adding the fact description field
  3. Copying facts
  4. Converting names
  5. Putting children in date order
  6. Blended families
  7. Adjusting a place location
  8. Merge two place names
  9. Resolve place names
  10. Resolve all place names
  11. Using shortened place names
  12. People locations on maps

Part 3

  1. Deleting a "ghost" from the tree - method 1
  2. Deleting a "ghost" from the tree - method 2
  3. The Undo command
  4. Adding a spouse
  5. Adding children
  6. Adding a divorce
  7. Ending a relationship
  8. Adding media
  9. Linking to existing media
  10. Categorising media
  11. Privatising media

Part 4

  1. Ancestor colour coding
  2. Descendant colour coding
  3. Event or location colour coding
  4. Photo darkroom
  5. Syncing trees to Ancestry and deleting an Ancestry tree
  6. Adding web links
  7. Management tools

Family Tree Maker is a trademark of Software MacKiev. Ancestry is a trademark of Operations Inc. FamilySearch is a trademark of Intellectual Reserve Inc.
